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For too long 18-35 year olds have been an ignored voting constituency. Our generation is constantly blamed for being lazy and politically apathetic and yet our politicians are doing seemingly nothing to include us in their policies and show us why we should vote for them in the first place.


We want to cut this vicious cycle of youth apathy by putting the issues our generation cares about the most at the forefront of party candidate's minds. For us this starts with climate justice, but more broadly we are calling for wholescale systemic change. We need our government to priortise and protect our futures and the best place to start is with public money.


We want to platform these issues with all political candidates seeking our votes. Find out how you can get involved below.

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Check out how the parties compare on their past voting histories as well as their current pledges for the 2024 election. 

UKYCC Youth Manifesto ‘Public Money For Common Good’ The UK government spends around £1.2

We're calling for Public Money for Common Good from whoever forms our next government. Read more about what this means below.

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Put party candidates to the test and ask them what they'll be doing for you in your local area.

UKYCC Youth Call to Action

The UK government spends around £1.2 trillion each year, and a significant portion of this public money is actively contributing to the interconnected crises facing people and planet. From subsidies for polluters and profiteers, to massive spending on military violence and hostile borders, private profits and exploitation are being prioritised over economic, social, and environmental justice.


We call on those in power to commit to public money for common good - investing in solutions that can advance our collective wellbeing, both now and in future; and divesting from drivers of deprivation and destruction, and upholding International Human Rights in the UK and around the world.


Achieving this requires not just a change in policy, but a transformation in how this country is governed:


1. Decision-making frameworks for the common good


From national to local level, authorities must align spending with the needs of people and planet, to ensure divestment from harmful industries such as fossil fuels and arms dealing, and investment into essential services, from healthcare and housing to food and energy.


2. Participatory governance, putting people at the heart of the economy


The clearest route to advancing the common good is putting power and ownership in the hands of those closest to the problem. This means devolution of economic powers and diversification of ownership models, as well as including affected communities in national-level decision-making.


3. Stop Funding Genocide


Right now, nowhere in Gaza is safe and we can not be silent in the face of an unfolding genocide. The UKYCC expresses our deepest grief for the loss of thousands of innocent lives through the illegal blockade and sustained military violence by Israel in Palestine. Our hearts are also with the Israeli civilians and families whose loved ones have been killed, including in the attacks by Hamas. We believe that taking action now to stop genocide in Gaza serves as a litmus test for the UK and other Global North countries to respect and uphold International Human Rights, instead of continuing to fund, fuel and prolong war, genocide and climate chaos. At the heart of many global human rights violations lies oppression and exploitation of human and natural resources. From Gaza's offshore gas, and child labour in cobalt mines in Congo, to genocide in Sudan and Tigray. By standing strong as an international community, we call out this hypocrisy of Global North Countries, and know that these asks will help us to work towards collective liberation.

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