What is an LCOY?
LCOY stands for a Local Conference of Youth and is an event that takes places at various points throughout the year in various locations. The idea is that young climate change activists come together to host a climate event in their country. They usually include workshops, training, speeches and are loads of fun. They aim to inspire young people to get more involved in climate change campaigning as well as building networks and solidarity with groups already active in the field.
The LCOY's are organised by YOUNGO (the youth constituency at the UNFCCC) and are a part of global young people's attempts to spread climate empowerment. To find out more, click the link below.
The LCOY team ran the UK's first ever Local Conference of the Youth in Manchester back in 2019! It was a brilliant opportunity for the UK youth environmental movement to come together and for young people looking for a pathway to fight climate change to find new ways to get involved.
Find out more on their dedicated website: